Halloween is just around the corner and there are sure to be several little pirate wannabes out there, eager to look like Johnny Depp or Keira Knightley. Pirates also make for a glamorous option for adults too. So, how do you dress like a pirate for Halloween? What are the easy ways to prepare a pirate costume?
Choose your Pirate Style
To dress like a pirate, first, you must decide what kind of pirate style you are going for. Yes, believe it or not there are a number of different pirate fashions to select from:
- Steampunk Pirate – Pirate meets zombie movie
- Victorian Pirate – Elegant 19th century pirate
- Renaissance Pirate – Swashbuckling pirates (like Pirates of the Caribbean)
- Rock Star Pirate – Blackbeard meets Bono
Dress Like a Pirate Costume Basics
Some key items will distinguish you as a pirate without having to spend a lot of money.
Hat or Bandana
To dress like a pirate, you need to decide if you are a pirate captain or part of the crew. Captains can make a simple hat made out of two pieces of cardboard in the shape of a hump bridge, stapled together at both ends with a skull and cross bones on the front. Crew pirates will pass with a bandana – red, black, white, or blue as preference.
If you can’t afford a ruffled shirt you could make your own by buying a shirt that is too big for you from a thrift store or bazaar. Cut off the collar or make a ruffle for the chest and cuffs and tie with bootstraps. Adding big gold buttons is another option. Otherwise, cut ragged holes into a white t-shirt or one with horizontal stripes. Adding a waistcoat can make all the difference too.
Pirate captains should use dark pants or add white stripes while the crew could cut ragged ends on dark pants around the calf muscle. Female pirates might try to find some striped pantyhose to wear under a long floating skirt that you hitch up on one side. Finishing off with a pair of boots or barefoot are both options.
Scarfs and Belt
Using a bright neck scarf or tying one around your waist allowing the length to dangle on one side is a great addition to a pirate costume. You could also add a wide black belt with a large buckle.
Plastic or cardboard cutlasses and swords are great pirate accessories along with a hand hook, eye patch, bottle of rum, and a large earring in one ear. If you can make a cardboard telescope or find a plastic one, that would make a great addition.
To complete your pirate look, use smoky eye makeup around the eyes and pale up your skin for that scurvy look. Blackout a tooth or add a gold cap to perfect the pirate smile.
Now you are ready for Halloween or any event where you need to dress like a pirate.